
Sunday, May 8, 2011

MAC Week 1: Blog Post 3 Peer Reading

Jessica’s Goodenow’s Post
Wk 1 Reflection on Copyright
I am overwhelmed by the topic of copyright. We are living in a world where creativity is valuable and should be protected. We are also living in a world where people will cheat and steal others creativity and claim it as their own. In a world where plagiarism is as common as a Starbucks drink on college campuses, laws are being put into place to try to protect those individuals that have worked hard to get their ideas declared as their own.
The videos Good Copy/Bady Copy really got me thinking. Sampling is a music style that I enjoy. I even use samplings of music when I make movies for my classroom or for my own personal uses. Does that mean that I need to go through court proceedings to give those artists their due? No! I pay for that song that I sample with my own money. I remember when “The Grey Album” came out and all the controversy that surrounded it. I was surprised to find out that the artist never made any money off of his “art project.” For his creativity, he deserved SOMETHING. I may be naïve, but creativity should be rewarded and protected.
 My Comment to Jessica Goodenow:
I agree with you whole heartedly that creativity should be rewarded and protected.  I also feel this creativity should also be done fairly. 
I have seen in the past, in the beginning, many hip hop artists sampled many different classical and mostly R & B artist’s genres and made it their own.  It sounded almost original, however, usually the ones that did not get permission were either on the newspaper articles, magazine journal or on the news about breaking the copy right laws.
I feel overall, either get permission to use someone else’s work or at least cite them to give credit where credit is due.  This EMDT program has really opened my eyes even more so to the seriousness of copy right laws.

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